7 Elements of a Successful Landing Page

Creating an impactful landing page is crucial for enticing potential customers. A landing page is simply a standalone page on a website designed to drive conversions. They are easily one of the best strategies that have emerged from this modern marketing era.

Properly optimized landing pages can help marketers across all industries improve engagement, grow their email list, boost sales, and drive traffic to other marketing channels, like social media. 

Today, we will explore seven key elements that make up a high-quality landing page and give you plenty of actionable strategies you can use to put these tips into practice.

Benefits of Building Landing Pages

Understand audience segments: Landing pages are usually not designed for everyone who visits your website. For example, an online pet supply shop would likely create two landing pages for their latest flash sale, one for cat owners and another for dog owners. Reviewing on-site analytics and understanding how audience segments engage with your landing pages can help you create better content and offers in the future.

Improve your next marketing campaign: Landing pages can help visitors learn about your latest promotion or product launch. Instead of hoping they find the product page, create a landing page to draw users’ attention when they land on your site.

Boost sales: Another noteworthy benefit of landing pages is they can help boost sales. Product landing pages are an excellent way to show visitors your value proposition and convince them to take action. 

Generate leads: Landing pages are one of the best ways to grow your email list. Marketers can create a standalone landing page that invites users to subscribe to their email list in exchange for a lead magnet or delayed benefits (like subscriber-only discounts).

Enhance brand awareness/SEO: A well-optimized landing page is far more likely to appear in one of the elusive top spots on Google. If you’re interested in improving your search engine optimization strategy and boosting brand awareness, a few well-made landing pages can help you find success. 

7 Elements of a Successful Landing Page
1. Engaging Visual Content

Visual content is a necessity for high-converting landing pages. People expect to see pictures and videos when they visit your site. If they are instead greeted by a wall of text and no visual content, many will leave without taking action. 

The key to putting engaging visual content within your landing pages is to consider the context.

Static images can also help you connect with readers, provided the content is relevant, engaging, and demonstrates value to your audience. 

2. Mobile-responsive Design

If a visitor clicks on your landing page from their smartphone and is greeted with a jumbled mess, they will click the back button without a second thought. There’s a good chance people in this position won’t come back either. 

Instead of losing out on potential sales, engagement, and subscribers, optimize each of your landing pages for desktop and mobile devices. 

The best way to make sure your pages are responsive is to use a landing page builder that comes with mobile templates and a detailed preview option. Use these tools to make sure your landing pages look great across all devices. 

You should also make sure that forms, visual content, and buttons are all clearly visible and easy to use, regardless of how someone decides to engage with your brand. 

It’s also important to check your loading times, especially for mobile. According to Google, users expect a web page to load in two seconds or less. If it doesn’t load within that small window of time, you may experience a high bounce rate and see minimal engagement.

3. Benefit-focused Copy

Next, let’s talk about the copy within your landing page. If you managed to attract a reader to your landing page with a captivating title and value proposition, you need to expand on that idea within the text on the page. 

The way you accomplish this task will vary based on the type of landing page you’re promoting.

For instance, if you want people to place an order via your sales page, you should explain to users in simple terms what they stand to gain by investing in your product or service. A list of direct benefits will help people visualize themselves using what you’re offering, which will likely increase conversions. 

Similarly, if you create an email registration landing page, users should know how they’ll benefit from joining your list. Explain the perks of signing up, and you can expect to see more subscribers. 

This same principle can be applied to virtually every type of landing page. Before you publish a page, ask yourself, “If I was a visitor reading this page, what’s in it for me?” If you can’t answer this question, consider revising your copy and focus on presenting value to the people who interact with your landing page. 

4. Trust Signals

If you want to boost landing page conversions, trust signals are a must. 

Trust signals can help build social proof, a psychological trend where people follow others based on their actions. There are many different types of social proof worth including on your landing pages. 

Reviews are often seen as the holy grail of trust, and for a good reason! Research shows people trust reviews more than product descriptions and sales copy. When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. 

Here’s an example so you can see what I mean. Let’s say a new Italian restaurant opened in your town. The company decides to put up billboards around the city that exclaim, “The best spaghetti in town!” You see them around but don’t think much of it. A few days later, your friend calls you and says you need to try the new Italian restaurant down the road because they have the best spaghetti in town. 

Whose review would drive you to take action? The person who actually paid money to try their food, or the company that stands to gain money if you go to their restaurant?

Thanks to the evolution of digital marketing, reviews from complete strangers can be just as helpful as reviews from close friends. 

The best way to use this strategy is to include reviews from real customers on your product landing pages and event registration pages. If users can see that other people have invested money or time with your brand and are happy with the results, they may follow the same path. 

5. A Singular Purpose

The five element a landing page needs to succeed is a singular purpose. In other words, ask yourself what single thing you want readers to do after reading your landing page. 

For example, if your goal is to get more email subscribers, you need a landing page specifically designed to convince people that subscribing to your email list is worth their time. 

Imagine what would happen if your goal was to get more subscribers but you also spent time talking about how users should buy your products, follow you on social media, and check out your next live webinar. 

Odds are, readers would feel overwhelmed, which could cause choice paralysis. Readers won’t do anything at all because they don’t know what next step they should take.

6. An Eye-catching Headline

Choosing the right headline for your landing page can make or break your campaign. When visitors discover your page for the first time, their eyes will immediately dart to the headline so they can figure out what the rest of the page is about. It needs to accomplish:

– grabbing the visitor’s attention

– informing the visitor what your product or service is all about.

– it should be short, preferably only ten words and never more than twenty

It doesn’t matter how much value is within the post; if visitors can’t figure out how reading your content will benefit them, there’s a slim chance they will click through, let alone take action on the page. 

There are a few ways you can improve your landing page headlines and attract more users. The key point to remember is your headline should be clear, concise, and offer value to your readers. People should be able to take one look and understand what they stand to gain by clicking the link and opening your landing page. 

Using complicated language may confuse or alienate your audience, resulting in fewer conversions and less engagement. 

7. Compelling Call to Action

Finally, all successful landing pages have a prominent call to action (CTA). Your CTA is the button (or another element) on your page that encourages readers to take action. As we discussed, this will vary greatly based on how you use this marketing tool to connect with your audience. 

A business that wants users to join their email list may use CTAs that say things like “subscribe now” or “join and save today.” 

We strongly recommend using A/B testing when creating CTAs for your landing pages. Experiment with different options until you find messages that resonate with your target audience. 

This piece of the puzzle is so important because your landing page will be a dead end for readers after they’ve finished reading your landing page unless there’s a clear and logical next step they can take. 

CTA buttons are arguably the most important element on your landing page. By designing these buttons to stand out, you can dramatically increase the chances of conversions. This includes playing with color, fonts, sizing, and placement—all quick and easy fixes.

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What is AI Marketing?

Invariably, having artificial intelligence marketing can prove highly beneficial for any business, regardless of the product or service they are selling. It can help to scale faster and more efficiently, boost their brand recognition, and ensure relevance in the long run.

If you want to know about the importance of AI in marketing and how it enables new business owners to make sound decisions for their company to succeed, here is the information.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence) Marketing?

AI marketing uses artificial intelligence technologies to make automated decisions based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts. AI is often used in digital marketing efforts where speed is essential and to augment marketing teams or to perform more tactical tasks that require less human nuance.

AI technology uses customer data to profile behavior and quickly learn how to communicate with customers by sending them automated messages without the need for intervention by human marketers. Chatbots on e-commerce platforms and other official websites are excellent examples of this AI automated response.

AI Marketing encompasses various use cases, including:

1. Data Analysis: Automating the collection and analysis of large volumes of marketing data from different campaigns and programs, eliminating the need for manual sorting.

2. Content Generation: AI generates both short and long-form content for marketing purposes, including video captions, email subject lines, web copy, blogs, and more’. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Utilizing AI to generate human-like language for content creation, customer service bots, personalized experiences, and more.

3. Media Buying: Predicting the most effective advertisement and media placements for a business, maximizing the return on investment (ROI) of marketing strategies while reaching the target audience.

4. Real-time Personalization: Modifying a customer’s experience with marketing assets, such as web pages, social media posts, or emails, to align with their past preferences and encourage specific actions, such as clicking a link, signing up, or making a purchase.

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Utilizing AI to generate human-like language for content creation, customer service bots, personalized experiences, and more.

6. Automated Decision-Making: Assisting businesses in deciding which marketing or business growth strategies to employ based on historical data or external data inputs.

Benefits of Using AI in Marketing

AI tools have proven invaluable to marketing teams across various industries globally, helping companies scale new heights and break ground like never before. The following list explains how it has helped them do this, establishing its incontestable worth.

  • Intelligent automation

When you add AI technology to your pre-existing marketing automation, it becomes more intelligent. It can efficiently translate data into meaningful interactions and pivotal decisions, ensuring it significantly impacts your business outcome. For instance, an AI tool in email marketing can surpass a traditional copywriter by personalizing subject lines to attain clicks and track performance. It can also optimize content in different email formats, ensuring it reaches the relevant audiences.

  • Cost Reduction

By automating certain tasks, AI can help reduce the cost of labor and increase overall productivity. AI can also help optimize ad spend by analyzing data in real-time and adjusting bids and targeting accordingly, resulting in more efficient use of marketing budgets.

  • Boosted ROI

AI-powered campaigns work with the sole aim to understand customer behavior better and make the experience high-end for them. It enables marketers to create a predictive consumer behavior pattern to classify them into target audience divisions such as existing customers, potential leads, etc.

Once the audiences are grouped this way, the marketing campaign improves the experience for people of each category, ensuring they are delighted with the service. Analyzing customer behavior using AI and giving them what they expect from the service provider helps marketers maximize ROI efficiently.

  • Speed and Agility

AI can help marketers respond quickly to changing market conditions and consumer behaviors. With real-time data analysis and insights, marketers can quickly make adjustments to campaigns and messaging to stay ahead of the competition.

  • Improved marketing campaigns

The amount of data collected during a campaign cannot be quantified, aggregated, and analyzed by humans since it is too vast, making it challenging for marketers to make campaigns work. But when they use AI-powered dashboards, it gives them a comprehensive view of which tactics work, what patterns to replicate, and other adjustments that need to be made. Nowadays, you can even find creative AI marketing platforms to help you tailor your ads and track their results in real time. Moreover, since there is greater personalization of data and customer response, AI marketing campaigns have better success rates.

Overall, the integration of AI in marketing operations can provide numerous benefits, from increased efficiency and precision to cost reduction and creativity. As the technology continues to evolve, the opportunities for marketers to leverage AI will only grow, and those who embrace it will be well-positioned to drive better results and stay ahead of the curve.

Types of AI Marketing Solutions

It’s clear that artificial intelligence holds a vital role in helping marketers connect with consumers. The following components of AI marketing make up today’s leading solutions that are helping to bridge the gap between the vast  amounts of customer data being collected and the actionable next steps digital marketers can take in their  future campaigns:

Machine Learning

Machine learning is driven by artificial intelligence, which involves computer algorithms that can analyze information and improve digital marketing campaigns automatically through experience. Devices that leverage machine learning analyze new information in the context of relevant historical data, which can inform digital marketing campaigns based on what has or hasn’t worked in the past.

Big Data and Analytics

The emergence of digital media has brought on an influx of “big data”, which has provided opportunities for digital marketers to understand their efforts and accurately attribute value across channels. This has also led to an over-saturation of data, as many digital marketers struggle to determine which data sets are worth collecting. AI marketing can help parse through all that data at lightspeed, filtering it down to its essentials and not only analyzing it but also recommending the best elements of future digital marketing campaigns.

AI Marketing Platforms & Tools

Effective AI-powered marketing solutions provide digital marketers with a central platform for managing the huge amounts of data being collected. These AI marketing platforms have the ability to glean insightful marketing from your target audience so you can make data-driven decisions about how to best reach them.

In summary, AI marketing solutions encompass machine learning for campaign improvement, the use of big data and analytics for insightful analysis, and AI-powered platforms and tools for managing data and making informed marketing decisions.

Challenges for AI Marketing

Modern marketing relies on an in-depth understanding of customer needs and preferences, and the ability to act on that knowledge quickly and effectively. The ability to make real-time, data driven decisions has brought AI marketing solutions to the forefront for marketing stakeholders. However, marketing teams must be discerning when deciding how to best integrate AI into their campaigns and operations. The development and use of AI marketing tools is still in its early stages. Therefore, there are a few challenges to be aware of when implementing AI into your digital marketing strategy.

Training Time and Data Quality

AI marketing tools do not automatically know which actions to take to achieve marketing goals. They require time and training, just as humans do, to learn organizational goals, customer preferences, historical trends, understand overall context, and establish expertise.  This learning process also requires data quality assurances. If your  AI marketing tools are not trained with high-quality data that is accurate, timely, and representative, you’ll end up with inaccurate data decisions that don’t truly reflect consumer desires, making your shiny new AI marketing tool nothing more than a toy.


Consumers and regulating bodies alike are cracking down on how organizations use their data. Digital marketing teams need to ensure they are using consumer data ethically and in compliance with standards such as GDPR while implementing an AI marketing strategy, or risk heavy penalties and reputation damage. Unless your AI marketing tools are specifically programmed to observe specific legal guidelines, they may overstep in what is considered acceptable in terms of using consumer data for marketing personalization.

Getting Buy-In

It can be difficult for digital marketing teams to demonstrate the value of AI marketing investments to business stakeholders. While KPIs such as ROI efficiency are easily quantifiable, showing how AI marketing has improved customer experience can be less obvious. With this in mind, digital marketing teams need to ensure they have the right measurement tools to attribute these qualitative gains to AI investments.

Developing best practices

As AI marketing is a relatively new tool, definitive best practices for initial deployments are still evolving. Digital marketing teams need to consider the long-term effects of implementing AI marketing strategies, beyond short-term benefits. By actively participating in industry knowledge sharing and staying updated with advancements, marketers can contribute to the development of best practices and ensure successful AI integration.

User data security and privacy

Maintaining user data security and privacy is critical when implementing AI marketing strategies. With increasing scrutiny and regulations like GDPR, digital marketing teams must handle consumer data ethically and in compliance with legal standards. AI marketing tools should be programmed to adhere to privacy guidelines, minimizing the risk of penalties and protecting the organization’s reputation.

How to Does AI Marketing Work?

AI Marketing works by empowering modern marketers to gain a comprehensive and insightful understanding of their audience. With the advent of AI platforms, marketers and organizations can extract valuable customer insights from a diverse range of data sources. These insights serve to deepen customer connections, foster genuine engagement, and drive higher conversion rates.

AI plays a vital role in various aspects of marketing, including:

1. Marketing Automation: AI is utilized to automate tasks such as lead generation, lead scoring, and customer retention. By leveraging AI, marketers can identify potential customers and engage with them at the optimal time when they are most likely to respond positively to marketing messages.

2. Personalization: AI technologies create customer profiles based on data gathered from their purchase history and interactions. Marketers can then deliver targeted advertisements, offers, and new products that align with customers’ preferences. Targeted marketing, powered by customer data, enhances engagement, conversion rates, and overall marketing return on investment (ROI).

3. Forecasting: AI serves as a valuable tool for predictive analytics and forecasting. Predictive analytics utilizes data from past customer interactions to anticipate their future actions. When applied to larger audience segments and scaled up, AI can also forecast business metrics such as revenue outcomes, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

How is AI changing digital marketing?

AI is changing digital marketing in several ways, bringing significant advancements to the industry. Here are some key ways in which AI is transforming digital marketing:

1. Virtual Agents: AI-powered virtual assistants, such as chatbots, offer around-the-clock customer support. These virtual agents leverage user data to inform sales and advertising efforts, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks. They enhance the customer experience by providing self-serve ways for consumers to find information and make informed purchasing decisions.

2. Improved A/B Testing: AI algorithms enable faster and more comprehensive A/B testing. From web copy to design elements, AI can run campaigns through algorithms, learning and improving with each iteration. This enhances the efficiency of testing and provides marketers with more insightful results to optimize their marketing strategies.

3. Self-Learning: AI systems are designed to continuously learn and improve over time, mimicking intelligent processes. Through self-teaching and cognitive capabilities, AI becomes more accurate and beneficial as it is utilized, allowing marketers to leverage its evolving intelligence to automate and optimize marketing operations.

4. Targeted Lead Generation and Client Segmentation: AI utilizes big data to build robust profiles for leads, cross-referencing social media trends, web interactions, and public records. This enables targeted lead generation and personalized marketing messages, predicting conversion likelihood and executing follow-up actions, thus optimizing lead qualification and nurturing.

5. Timely Messaging: AI analyses client preferences and behaviors to determine the best time to deliver marketing messages. By sending messages when clients are most receptive, AI helps optimize campaign ROI and ensures timely and relevant interactions with customers.

6. Centralized Data: AI-enhanced marketing automation can gather, organize, analyze, and segment valuable marketing data from multiple sources. This automation not only saves time, but also improves data accuracy and accessibility, providing marketers with a centralized location for data storage and utilization in marketing campaigns.

7. Content Creation Written by AI: AI-powered natural language processing and machine learning enable the creation of marketing content and interpretation of user reactions. While AI cannot replicate the creativity of human writers, it can generate personalized content suggestions, ad copy, subject headlines, and calls to action, augmenting the content creation process.

In the face of demand for data-driven, personalized, and scalable customer experiences, more than half of marketers say they’ve invested in the power of artificial intelligence. Learn how a Marketing AI can benefit your business in our free State of Marketing resource.

How to use AI marketing

To effectively harness the power of AI in marketing campaigns and operations, it is crucial to begin with a well-defined plan. This ensures that marketing teams can minimize challenges and maximize the value of their AI investment in the shortest possible time. Before integrating AI marketing tools, digital marketers should consider the following key factors:

Establish Clear Goals

Just like any marketing program, it is essential to establish clear goals and define marketing analytics for your AI marketing initiative right from the start. Identify areas within your campaigns or operations that can benefit from improvement, such as segmentation. Set measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) that will gauge the success of your AI-enhanced marketing campaign, especially for qualitative objectives like enhancing customer experience.

Adhere to Data Privacy Standards

Ensure that your AI marketing platform adheres to acceptable data usage boundaries while personalizing customer experiences. Establish and incorporate privacy standards into your AI marketing platforms to maintain compliance and earn consumer trust.

Consider Data Quantity and Sources

AI marketing typically requires a substantial amount of data to commence. This data will train the AI marketing tool in customer preferences, external trends, and other factors that influence the success of AI-enabled marketing campaigns. Utilize data from your organization’s CRM, previous marketing campaigns, and website analytics. Additionally, supplement this data with second and third-party data, such as location data and weather data, to incorporate external factors that influence purchase decisions.

Acquire Data Science Talent

Many marketing teams may lack the necessary data science and AI expertise, which can hinder working with large datasets and deriving valuable insights. To launch AI marketing programs successfully, organizations should consider collaborating with third-party entities that specialize in data collection, analysis, and training AI tools for optimal performance. These partnerships can also provide ongoing maintenance and support for sustained success.

Ensure Data Quality

As machine learning and AI marketing programs rely on data, it is crucial to maintain high data quality. If the data fed into your AI marketing program is not standardized and error-free, the insights derived may be unreliable and potentially lead to detrimental decisions. Before implementing AI marketing programs, marketing teams should collaborate with data management teams and other departments to establish processes for data cleansing and maintenance. Consider the following essential data dimensions:

  • Timeliness
  • Completeness
  • Consistency
  • Relevance
  • Transparency
  • Accuracy
  • Representativeness
Develop an Integrated AI Marketing Strategy

Integrating AI marketing tools with your existing marketing strategy yields better results compared to using them as standalone tactics. By incorporating AI into your marketing strategy, you can optimize labour intensive tasks like data analysis and mitigate the risk of inaccuracies, such as attribution. AI fills in these “blind spots” and enables digital marketers to enhance their marketing efforts while building upon effective digital marketing methods used in the past. This integrated approach propels your marketing to new heights and embraces forward-thinking methodologies.

How can you best implement AI?

Utilizing AI in marketing doesn’t come without challenges. Although AI technologies are becoming more common across many marketing practices, some important considerations should be accounted for.

Being mindful of these key rules to AI will help you be prepared and avoid any potential pitfalls:

Accurate data is a must
AI requires accurate, verifiable data inputs to make effective marketing initiatives. Low quality or incomplete data can cause more issues than no data so avoid inputting poor data at all costs.

Invest in quality AI technology
Successfully integrating AI into your marketing technology and services platform requires the appropriate technology resources. Investing in a quality AI system will ensure the adoption of the technology runs smoothly, where a cheaper system may break down. Organizations that struggle to fully invest in the hardware can opt to partner with a cloud provider who can help guide them with the right technology solutions.

Creating a technology adoption culture
Organizations that fully embrace the opportunities that come through building AI into their marketing operations will be in a strong position to make the most of the competitive advantage that AI can deliver. Develop this culture by providing training and support programs to help people understand how to best use the technology and understand what can be achieved with the new technology.

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Artificial Intelligence Trend in Business

The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ often trips up business leaders in industries which don’t intersect directly with technology. It can invoke images of robots and feelings of machines stealing the jobs of humans. The reality is that AI can help to make their professional and personal lives run more smoothly by removing a lot of the tasks which were previously done manually.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial intelligence can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, planning and problem-solving. In short, AI is today at the center of business growth.

So, What is AI in Business? 

Artificial intelligence in business involves the application of intelligent computer software with human-like capabilities to perform business activities without human involvement. 

Why is Artificial Intelligence on the rise in business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) radically transforms how businesses operate, enabling them to automate repetitive tasks, analyze vast amounts of data and make informed decisions. By leveraging AI, businesses can streamline processes, boost productivity and gain a competitive edge.

Artificial intelligence has a wide range of uses in businesses, including generating content, Keyword research, streamlining job processes and aggregating business data.

AI is helping companies and business leaders meet three specific needs, all while saving them time, money and energy. AI can easily automate many business processes, help leaders gain insights through improved data analysis and help businesses better engage with customers and employees. As more use cases arise for how AI can help businesses with these three main tasks and everything that falls within them, the more its use will continue to rise.

If businesses can utilize AI to perform menial tasks they need fewer workers to complete them. If they can use AI to understand which strategies are working and resonating with their clients and consumers, they can spend less money on advertising and guessing games with clear data to back up success. They can also better analyze more data to prevent future failures and wasted spends.

How does AI help businesses?

AI enables businesses to improve customer experience, boost revenue, increase productivity and efficiency and drive business growth and transformation. How? 

Business processes today have a high level of complexity involving large amounts of data. With vast data, companies can obtain valuable insights to build growth strategies.

Using AI in business, companies can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and in real-time and get actionable insights for better decision-making. This enables businesses to understand and engage customers, automate business processes and improve productivity and revenue while reducing operational expenses.

How Does AI in Business Work?

AI systems work by consuming large data quantities (training data), analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to predict future states. AI is an interdisciplinary category of computer science with multiple approaches and advancements in key technologies or AI techniques, which include the following:

  • Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI that involves developing algorithms and models that enable computer systems to learn and make predictions or decisions. It involves developing techniques that automatically allow computers (machines) to learn from data and improve their performance over time. ML algorithms analyze and extract patterns from large datasets to make predictions or take actions based on new inputs.
  • Deep Learning (DL): Deep learning is a more advanced type of ML that works through representation but with unstructured data sets. It uses biologically inspired artificial neural network architecture. DL is inspired by the structure and function of the human brain’s neural networks. Deep learning algorithms have supported image and speech recognition and NLP tasks.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): In AI, Natural Language Processing is a linguistic tool in computer science that enables machines to learn, read, understand, interpret, generate and respond to human language. NLP techniques are used in various applications, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots and voice assistants.
  • Computer Vision (CV): Machine vision (computer vision) is an area in AI that enables computerized machines to understand and interpret visual information from images or videos. Applications of machine vision techniques include object recognition, image classification, video surveillance, autonomous vehicles, medical imaging and others.
What are some Artificial Intelligence uses in businesses, and how does AI impact efficiency?

Businesses can utilize AI tools to employ ‘smart building’ techniques to track the energy usage of their offices for improved efficiency. 

AI has become ubiquitous in various aspects of business operations. The use of AI in business operations and applications is expanding. Some of the most common use cases include:

1. Data analytics and business intelligence 

With the increasing amount of available business data, finding insights from the data can be quite challenging. This is why many businesses are adopting AI in business intelligence. AI enables organizations to analyze large data volumes and extract valuable insights quickly. These insights help businesses identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and optimize processes. For example, businesses can use AI data to improve marketing, understand customers better, perform segmentation and create personalized experiences.

2. Customer service, experience and support

One of the most common enterprise use cases for AI is in customer experience, service and support. Though still controversial, AI is increasingly replacing humans in customer service. AI-powered technologies such as chatbots, virtual assistants and personalized recommendation systems enhance customer interactions. They provide instant support, tailored recommendations and personalized experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Personalized and targeted marketing with predictive modeling

Targeted marketing is a key application of AI in business. AI algorithms can predict future outcomes based on historical data, allowing businesses to anticipate customer behavior, demand trends and potential risks. This enables proactive decision-making and resource allocation. For example, online search providers, retailers and other internet entities use AI intelligent systems to understand users and their buying patterns.  

4. Natural language processing (NLP)

With AI, machines can now read, write and understand languages like humans. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can understand and respond to human language, providing personalized customer support and enhancing user experiences. With advancements in NLP, businesses now offer smart digital assistant products to assist users in routine tasks. These NLP softwares now helps businesses to generate automated business reports without human supervision. They can also conduct sentiment analysis to understand people’s perception of brands from various sources such as online comments, tweets, etc.   

5. Predictive analytics and product recommendations 

To increase marketing effectiveness and customer engagement, businesses recommend products that retain customers’ interest and satisfy their desires. Companies like Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, etc., are using AI to understand their customers’ habits/behaviors to predict and recommend products.

6. Documentation and Knowledge Base Building 

With no code tools, process documentation and building company knowledge bases is now easier. Scribe, for example, allows you to capture your screen and automatically create how-to guides easily. No code tools also provide adequate cloud document storage and sharing. And with ChatGPT, companies can automate the entire documentation process for documents like standard SOPS, FAQs, training modules, etc.

5 Real-life examples of AI in business

Here are examples of artificial intelligence in business examples: 

1. Transportation 

There are many ways AI is being applied in transportation businesses, including the following:

  • Taxi-hailing apps like Uber leverage AI to predict demand and traffic, reduce estimated arrival time and match riders and drivers.
  • Maps use AI navigational systems to improve transport and navigation while providing directions and enhancing traffic detection. 
  • Self-driving cars like Tesla use AI algorithms to navigate roads and make decisions. 
2. Recommendations on Netflix, YouTube and Spotify 

Netflix, Spotify, YouTube and other streaming services use a user’s watch or search history to recommend what to watch based on the user’s listening or viewing history. This helps provide personalized content to improve customer experience and satisfaction. 

3. AI in Healthcare 

Healthcare organizations are leveraging AI for medical image analysis. Medical companies use deep learning algorithms to analyze medical images, helping radiologists detect abnormalities and diagnose diseases more accurately. This improves patient care and reduces the time and effort required for diagnosis. An example is Healthcare BPO.

4. eCommerce platforms 

Amazon, Alibaba and other eCommerce platforms integrate AI into their platform to enhance customer experiences. Their recommendation engine uses ML algorithms to analyze user browsing and purchase history, providing personalized product recommendations that increase customer engagement and drive sales.

5. Content creation  

Tools like Document 360, Scribe, etc. use a generative AI to help businesses document processes. Businesses can document and share processes, SOPs, FAQs, manaus, etc.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide range of benefits and uses in business, including:

  • Improving the customer experience
  • Automating business processes
  • Gaining insight through data analysis
  • Streamlining job processes
  • Aggregating business data
  • Turning data into actionable insights
  • Increasing leads by more than 50%
  • Reducing call time by 60-70%
  • Boosting efficiency through process automation
  • Improving the speed or consistency of service

According to a study by Harvard Business Review, companies using AI for sales can increase their leads by more than 50% and reduce call time by 60-70%.

Moreover, 61% of companies use AI to optimize emails, while 55% deploy AI for personalized services, such as product recommendations. Businesses also leverage AI for long-form written content, such as website copy (42%) and personalized advertising (46%).

Artificial Intelligence impact on business will be long-term

Artificial Intelligence in business and its use cases are virtually endless. AI in business will continue to grow and be adopted by nearly every company in every industry. That might seem like a bold statement, but its use cases apply to so many manual tasks that affect our professional and daily lives. Not using AI in business will only put professionals at a disadvantage as their competitors who utilize it will continue to save time and resources.

AI technology in business will only help companies to streamline their communication both internally and externally, and communication is essential during these unprecedented times with the need for social distancing. Artificial intelligence and business will continue to work together hand-in-hand.


Artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for businesses across various industries. 

From data analytics, predictive modeling and natural language processing to generative AI, businesses are using AI to automate tasks, improve efficiency and enhance decision-making. 

Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming crucial for organizations in their digital transformation journey. More organizations are either using or exploring AI. Further, AI rollout has accelerated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO (also called “off-site SEO”) refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs) and to influence how people discover and engage with your content.

Is a strategy for bringing attention and authority to your site, and when combined with on-page SEO and technical SEO, off-page SEO can help you meet your goals for search visibility, crawling, indexing, traffic, and conversions.

Off-page optimization seeks to improve the perception both search engines and people have of a site’s:

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness
  • Relevance
  • Popularity
Why does Off-Page SEO matter?

Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable because it tells search engines that your website is important to others on the web. Every link that you receive acts as an endorsement from another source that your website is quality.

This lets external sources act as tie-breakers for websites that have the same quality of on-page SEO so search engines know the best to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs)

Search engines like Google measure off-page SEO factors, like the number and quality of backlinks to websites. If one of the wedding websites has more backlinks from reputable sources, while the other site has received zero online mentions, the site with more backlinks (and better online reputation) will likely rank higher.

Using numerous off-page and on-page SEO factors, search engines determine how valuable pages are to searchers’ queries and return relevant results accordingly.

Just remember — a page without off-site optimization is like a wedding without invitations. It’ll become a no-show.

3 types of links for off-page SEO

Links are a critical component to off-page SEO. Before you start building or earning backlinks, it’s essential to understand the different types of links, as well as the factors that influence the equity of a link to your website.

The three types of links include:
Natural links

A natural link comes to your website naturally. Your team doesn’t take any action or conduct any outreach to earn the link. The person writing that content decided to link to your content, whether because they follow your brand or discovered your content via search. Either way, they found your content valuable and worth highlighting.

Built Links

A built link comes to your website from outreach. Your team worked to earn this link, whether by reaching out to webmasters, publishers, or journalists. You may have even promoted the content with an ad campaign, providing it with the exposure that helped people uncover the content. Even though you built this link, you still created valuable content for users.

Created Links

A created link comes to your website from self-submissions on directories, forums, or press releases. Your team created this link intentionally and without conducting any outreach. This off-page SEO tactic for link building tends to register as a black-hat SEO practice because search engines look down on this kind of link building tactic. When building links, focus on natural or built links.

6 factors that influence link value for off-page SEO

You also want to think about the equity or value and authority passed by a link. While you could attract dozens of low-value links from spammy or untrustworthy websites, they won’t help your business rank well in search results. That’s why it’s essential to focus your off-page SEO link building efforts on trusted websites with excellent link equity.

The six factors that influence the equity passed by a link include:
  • The freshness or age of the link to your site
  • The number of links on the linking page
  • The relation between the linking site’s subject matter and yours
  • The trustworthiness of the linking site
  • The authority of the linking site and the linking page
How to do off-page SEO for your SEO campaign

Now that we’ve established how important off-page SEO is to a website’s success, we can delve into the specifics of how to improve off-page SEO:

Link building

The most popular technique of off-page SEO is backlinking, which aims to generate natural links to your page.

Getting reputable websites to link back to your website has two main benefits: driving traffic to your site and helping determine your rank. Links from reputable sites are hugely beneficial to your website.

These benefits occur because links are the primary way to navigate the internet. Links improve your users’ experience. With links, your users can easily navigate to other information they find relevant.

Links are also the simplest way to measure the expertise, authority, and trust of a site. That’s why Google includes links as a part of search ranking factors.

But how do you convince others to link to you? You can try any (or all) of the following off-page search engine optimization strategies to start.

  • Join an association. This could be an industry association, or the local Chamber of Commerce. Make sure that your company gets a link on the association’s website.
  • Create quality content. Making high-quality blog posts, infographics, videos, and more are all excellent ways to draw clicks and natural links to your site. Basically, if it’s interesting, they will come.
  • Reach out. Reaching out to journalists and bloggers as possible sources for their writing, or asking them to host something you’ve created, provides future opportunities for you to earn links to your website.

Some links have more weight than others. For example, links from influencers in your audience’s community have much more authority than links from spam sites.

Those high-quality links will tell Google that you’ve earned the recognition — that your site knows its material — and Google will rank you higher.


Blogging is an excellent way to start generating linkable content for your brand. There’s no other place on the web with a constant stream of long-form content than blogs.

On your blog, your audience can comment and share your content, making it easier to get noticed and start generating natural links and brand mentions.

And with the continuous posts, you’ll become a knowledgeable leader in your industry. Your audience will look to you first for information about recent updates and trends, as well as how-to guides and informational articles.

Talk about generating loyalty!

Social media marketing

While social media links don’t impact rank, social media sites are still some of the best places on the web to generate awareness for your brand.

Brands with a strong presence on social media feel open and approachable, which is something that is becoming increasingly important today for businesses.

If a brand is not easily approachable, not only does it come off as abrasive, its trustworthiness comes into question when users can’t easily access information about it.

Instead of appearing as some aloof entity, let your brand come across like a friendly, neighborhood corner store.

You can do that by staying active on social media sites and by starting a blog where you can let your audience get a feel for your brand’s flair.

Also, generate content that is relevant and easy to read, and respond positively and sincerely to comments on both your blog and social media pages. Doing this will help your brand feel like a group of people instead of a robot.

Influencer marketing

How can off-page SEO influence online opinions?

Because of the emphasis on links as a method of accomplishing off-page SEO, many people tend to assume generating links is the goal of off-page SEO. The real goal of off-page SEO, however, is to boost ranking so that people can find, contact, and purchase from you. Off-page SEO will create positive engagement with your brand, whether that be through links, reviews, social media, or brand mentions.

Off-page SEO can be tricky, though, because those methods are ones you can’t control, not without being considered black-hat, and no one wants to wear a black hat. There’s no surer way to plummet your brand’s credibility or your rank than with black-hat SEO methods like paying employees to post positive reviews or buying links to your site.

And since you can’t control off-page SEO in the same way that you can control the on-page elements of your site, off-page SEO can turn into a frustrating waiting game where all you can do is hope the response from your audience is positive.

One of the ways you can combat negative reviews is by:

  • Reaching out to your customers, asking them for a review after a purchase
  • Implementing changes that will resolve the valid concerns of those negative reviews

By doing these two things, you’ll improve your products and services and generate more reviews.

Writing for publications

Writing for external publications is a great way to show that you’re an authority in your industry while also promoting your own business’s service. This kind of publicity gives you huge potential for attracting customers that otherwise may not have heard of you. Plus, it can give you a portfolio of writing that you can show to other publications to start writing for them, and so on.

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is the process of submitting your content to sites like Stumble Upon, Tumblr, Reddit, and others. These sites segment their content to appeal to certain niches, which you can use to appeal to customers in the specific demographics that you want to target. Before you submit any content, though, make sure to research the audiences and rules of each site.

Off-page SEO is the collection of strategies, tactics and efforts you undertake to promote your content on third-party sites across the web. This part of SEO focuses on getting your site, company and/or brand discussed on another website.
You’ve most likely heard of off-page SEO before in the context of building links to your website. It’s true that backlinks are very important, and we’ll go over them a bit below, but there’s much more to off-page SEO than just links.

Off-Page Factors:

Backlinks: Backlink quality and quantity are still some of the most important factors for off-page SEO. Backlinks are so important that Google has dedicated multiple algorithm updates to fighting link schemes and link spam. Links are important for off-page SEO because they pass what’s known as “link juice” to your site, helping it to appear more authoritative and trustworthy in the eyes of search engines. There’s a lot that goes into backlinks so we recommend our in-depth guides to building links, evaluating backlink quality and conducting a link audit.

Social media: While a page’s ranking isn’t directly influenced by how many shares, likes or comments it has, social media is still an important channel to promote your site online. Social media helps people find and engage with your company online and helps you reach new and existing customers. Plus, Google indexes pages on the major social media platforms, so consistently posting to these sites helps you control your brand SERP.

‍Unlinked mentions: Unlinked mentions are any time an unaffiliated site mentions your company name or website online without linking back to your site. It’s rare, pretty much impossible, for every mention of your site or brand online to include a backlink. In fact, if that were the case Google would probably find that very suspicious and levy a penalty against your site. However, that doesn’t mean unlinked brand mentions don’t have any value for off-page SEO. They can still function as citations for your site’s authority and trust. Plus, mentions offer up a great opportunity to create new backlinks.

Google My Business: Google My Business (GMB for short) allows businesses to easily and simply provide important information directly to Google. This information includes location and/or service area, business type, contact information and opening hours. GMB is also how Google populates results for the Google local pack and Google Maps searches. As such, it’s a vital off-page SEO factor for any local business that relies on traffic from a specific geographical location. Set up your business’s GMB listing to add it to Google Maps and take advantage of this important off-page and local SEO technique.

Start Optimizing Your On-Page and Off-Page SEO

Remember that a good SEO strategy isn’t about choosing between on-page SEO and off-page SEO. That would be like trying to decide between putting tires or an engine in your car – you need both to get wherever you want to go.
However, SEO works best if you’ve got good on-page SEO before you spend too much time and effort (and not to mention money) on building links or promoting your site on social media.

With the data and insights available, you’ll be able to create the perfect strategy to target both on-page SEO and off-page SEO to reach a wider audience and attract more visitors to your website.

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